2019 Page One Awards in Online Journalism

MNSPJ congratulates all the winners recognized Tuesday night at the annual Page One Awards!  Here’s a list of winners for excellence in online journalism.


Best Website

First Place


City Pages

The judge called this entry “dynamic and vibrant,” and “far and away the best integration of multimedia among this year’s entrants.”


Second Place


MPR News


Third Place


Star Tribune


Best Single News Story

First Place

“Minnesota Rep. Jim Knoblach ends campaign ahead of MPR abuse allegations story.”

Nina Moini, Briana Bierschbach, Will Lager and Paul Tosto, MPR News

The judge said: “The highlight of this entry is the reporters’ tenacity and patience in pursuit of getting the full story … The writing has clarity and is delivered in a way that makes a complex story easy to navigate.”


Second Place

“Meth cuts lethal path through Minnesota.”

Stephen Montemayor, Anna Boone and Anthony Souffle


Third Place

“Rep. Rick Nolan’s legislative director left the office amid multiple sexual harassment accusations in 2015. Months later, he was hired by Nolan’s campaign.”

Sam Brodey, MinnPost


Best Continuing Coverage    

First Place

Housing coverage

Jessica Lee, MinnPost

Judges said: “While other entries involved stories with a far looser topic connection to one another, or were powered by a sheer volume of coverage, this one struck a wonderful balance … This is a winner.”


Second Place

“For some who lived in it, Keillor’s world wasn’t funny.”

Laura Yuen, Euan Kerr, Matt Sepic and Eric Ringham, MPR News


Third place

Coverage of the 2018 Super Bowl

Star Tribune staff



Best single feature story/package

First Place

“‘A blessing,’ ‘a family,’ and ‘a shame on Minneapolis’: Voices from the Hiawatha Avenue homeless encampment.”

Jim Walsh, MinnPost

The judge said: “The highlight of this feature is the environmental portrait with each synopsis interview, pairing a face and a story to each aspect of this heartbreaking issue.”


Second Place

“You Have Dark Skin And You Are Beautiful’: The Long Fight Against Skin Bleaching.”

Nancy Rosenbaum, NPR Weekend Edition


Third Place

“Yes, there are earthquakes in the land of 10,000 lakes.”

Greta Kaul, MinnPost


Best single sports story

First Place

“Super Bowl: Pudge, the first pro.”

Mark Craig, Star Tribune

The judge said: “Great research, great writing, and a story that most sports fans had never heard before. Everyone involved with this should be proud.”


Second Place

“From $12 to $2,500 and counting.”

Anna Boone, Star Tribune


Best Use of Multimedia        

First place

“I was just lost in the dark.”

Star Tribune staff

The judge said: “All three entries that placed were exceptional … This entry stands above for the additional level of production quality that went into the presentation.”


Second Place

“In their own image: Native Americans share stories of recovery.”

Evan Frost and Lacey Young, MPR News


Third Place

“Feeling Superior: Part Five, Nature Effect.”

Dave Braunger and Brian Peterson, Star Tribune


Best social media account – Individual

First place


Frederick Melo, Pioneer Press


Best social media account – Institutional

First Place

MPR News Facebook page.

The judge said this entry “has a good mix of content … The various formats and endeavors showcase a nice mix of innovation while maintaining the commitment to provide informative and valuable news content to followers.”


Second Place

Star Tribune Twitter account


Best News Video

First Place

“Denied justice.”

Renee Jones Schneider and Jenni Pinkley, Star Tribune

The judge said: “This was a very difficult category to judge … What separates the winner is the content (and the bravery of the survivors to come forward and share their experiences).”


Second Place

“Elections explained.”

Jiwon Choi, Briana Bierschbach, Lacey Young and Chris Graves, MPR News


Best Newsroom Blog

First Place


Michael Rand, Star Tribune

The judge said: “Randball is a great mix of beat reporting with other relevant sports news mixed in. Well-written, conversational style.”


Best Independent News Blog


First Place goes to Pamela Espeland, MinnPost

The judge said: “Artscape sets itself apart from the other entrants by keeping the focus on the local community and the arts happenings in the Twin Cities.”


Best infographic/data visualization

First Place

“Unstoppable and Deadly, Meth Floods the State.”

Anna Boone, Ray Grumney and Stephen Montemayor, Star Tribune

The judge said: “Everything about this package is exceptional – the clean, easy-to-understand graphics paint a clear and grim picture about how the meth trade has grown in the last decade.”


Second Place

“How Minnesota Voted For Governor, Neighborhood By Neighborhood.”

Chase Davis and Jeff Hargarten, Star Tribune


Third place

“Here’s how your Minnesota neighborhood voted in the 2018 midterms.”

Jiwon Choi, MPR News