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*Basic national membership dues for professionals begin at $75 (one year)
More national membership dues information

*Local membership dues are $15 (national SPJ membership is required to join a local chapter). Local dues support programs and events organized by Minnesota SPJ.

The Society of Professional Journalists maintains constant vigilance of the First Amendment protections for the press and the free flow of information. SPJ promotes high journalistic standards, ethical behavior, and development of future generations of journalistic talent.

The Minnesota chapter of SPJ works to engage local journalists — both members and non-members by:

  • Organizing discussions on issues important to journalists, such as ethics, news judgement, workforce diversity and career development.
  • Recognizing excellence with our annual Page One Awards.
  • Using our collective voice to speak up in favor of journalists and to promote open access to information.
  • Providing scholarships for Minnesota journalism students.

Journalism today isn’t easy
We know you’re a hard-working journalist, trying to get ahead in a competitive field where the bucks are less than plentiful and the rules are always changing. We can help.

Here’s How:

  • Continuing professional education. Quill Magazine keeps you up-to-date on the industry from the working journalist’s perspective. — you’ll find it in your mailbox ten times a year. The National Convention, Regional Conferences, and specialized workshops held nationwide provide you with the intense training you need to stay on top.
  • Career services and support. Jobs-for-Journalists is your weekly listing of jobs available nationwide in all areas of today’s journalism… from television production to teaching positions you’ll know what’s available and where. You’ll also be eligible for discounts on items ranging from office supplies to paging services to help you stay connected.
  • Journalism advocacy. SPJ’s Legal Defense Fund wages court battles across the country to secure First Amendment rights, supporting state Freedom of Information hotlines, computer bulletin boards and organizations that resolve First Amendment conflicts — before — they require costly litigation. When you’re faced with a legal battle the Legal Defense Fund is ready to help. Project Sunshine is the grass-roots campaign to improve the ability of journalists and the public to obtain access to government records and proceedings and to brighten the forecast to open government in the years ahead. When you’re pushed to the wall, SPJ is there with the tools you need.
  • Get connected to the network that brings you the information you need when you need it — locally and nationwide.

Membership and Contribution Categories
These are the guidelines for membership in the Society of Professional Journalists: The Society is an organization of persons who direct, edit and prepare news and editorial content of independent news editorial products, and teachers and students engaged in the study of those areas.

Professional Members spend more than half their working time as journalists or are journalism educators.

Retired Members are professional members who choose to convert to this category after retirement by notifying headquarters in writing. Retired journalists and journalism educators who would have qualified as defined above may join as new members in this category.

Student Members are college students who have a demonstrated interest in journalism, are pursuing a course of study in journalism or are involved in the production of news as defined above. Professional Members who have returned to school full-time can convert their membership to this category.

Post-Graduate Membership is limited to two years following college graduation. At the end of two years all Post-Graduate Members will be upgraded to the category of Professional Member. Post-Graduates who have not established a career in journalism that meets the above eligibility guidelines will lose this privilege if at any time they allow their dues to lapse. Student Members in good standing automatically qualify as do members of the Society of Collegiate Journalists. Recent graduates who were not Student Members and have a demonstrated interest in journalism as defined above may also join in this category.

Associates support the mission and goals of SPJ, but are not eligible for regular membership.

High school students may join as associates at the student rate.

Institutional Membership is open to media organizations provided that the principal business (50% of revenue) is within the scope defined above. For more information contact the National Office of SPJ at 765-653-3333.