2021 Page One Award Categories


aBreaking News Coverage (Up to three stories showing excellence in coverage of a single news event that’s breaking/was not expected. Examples include but aren’t limited to crime stories, public safety emergencies, deaths/resignations involving prominent news figures and sudden layoffs/shutdowns. The goal is to showcase depth of coverage from a journalist or journalists working on a tight deadline on news that was not expected. Entries should be focused on first day coverage and quick follow-ups. Note: Coverage related to the George Floyd killing likely would fall under Breaking News rather than Deadline News)

b. Deadline News Coverage (Up to three stories showing excellence in coverage of a single news event where journalists could plan for the event without knowing the news. Examples include but aren’t limited to election results, court cases, study/data releases and debates at the Legislature, city/county council or school board. The goal is to showcase coverage from a journalist or journalists that’s distinguished by smart context and/or unique explanatory approaches while fairly representing a variety of perspectives. Entries should be focused on first day coverage and quick follow-ups. Note: Coverage related to COVID-19 likely would fall under Deadline News rather than Breaking News)

c. Feature Writing (Up to three stories showing one feature writer’s ability to command attention through profiles or trend pieces with unique characters, rich scenes and/or unexpected angles.)

d. Enterprise/In-Depth Story (One story that reflects a journalist’s or team of journalists’ ingenuity, use of sources and/or special research to dig deeper and/or capture more complexity than a typical news story.)

e. Enterprise/In-Depth Series (Up to three stories that reflect a journalist’s or team of journalists’ ingenuity, use of sources and/or special research to dig deeper and/or capture more complexity than a typical news story.)

f. Investigative (Up to three stories on a single topic or news event containing information not readily available to the news media or public and obtained through reporter initiative)

g. Business News Coverage (Up to three distinct stories, or a series of up to three stories, that’s focused on business-related news)

h. Sports News Coverage (Up to three distinct stories, or a series of up to three stories, on sports-related news)

i. Sports Feature Writing (Up to three stories showing one feature writer’s ability to command attention to subjects in professional and amateur sports through profiles or trend pieces with unique characters, rich scenes and/or unexpected angles)

j. Sports Columns (Up to three columns by one writer whose work regularly appears in the sports section)

k. Arts & Entertainment Coverage (Up to three distinct stories, or a series of up to three stories focusing on arts & entertainment-related news)

l. Arts Criticism/Reviews (Up to three stories that illustrate a journalist’s competence in criticizing or reviewing performance, musical groups, restaurants or other similar entities/events)

m. Columns (Up to three columns by one writer written for any section, but not the op-ed page)

n. Editorials and Commentary (Up to three single editorials and/or commentary pieces or columns published on the op-ed page)

o. Graphics/Art and illustration (Up to three examples of original artwork, graphs, diagrams, maps or other visual elements that illustrate a story)

p. Page Design (A single page design: taking into account layout and page composition, use of headlines, art, graphics etc.)

q. Headlines (A collection of up to three headlines, submitted along with the accompanying stories)

r. Best issue (Based on reporting, writing, photography, graphics/illustration, layout, copy-handling, etc.)


a. Best Profile Story (A single profile story)

b. Best Feature Story (A single feature story)

c. Best Department (A magazine component appearing under the same heading and possibly, but not always, written by different writers); send 3 unique examples

d. Best Column (A magazine component appearing under the same heading and always written by the same author); send 3 unique examples

e. Best Cover (A single magazine cover)

f. Best Page Design (A full story or feature layout, single page, two-page or double-truck design)

g. Graphics/Art and illustration (Up to three examples of original artwork, graphs, diagrams, maps or other visual elements that illustrate a story)

h. Best issue (Based on writing, photography, graphics/illustration, layout)


a. Spot/Breaking news (coverage of an unscheduled event broadcast within 24 hours; may be a single story or compilation of coverage on a single event)

b. Hard News report (best coverage of a news-related topic; may include in-depth, planned coverage of a single event, or enterprise reporting)

c. Feature (single story done for some other factor than timeliness – may include profile, human interest, or trend stories)

d. Special Project/In-Depth series (a single report or series of reports going in-depth on a particular subject, helping the viewer understand a situation beyond information in a typical news story)

e. Investigative (One or more stories containing information not readily available to the news media or public and obtained through reporter initiative)

f. Newscast (One regularly-scheduled newscast airing on any day in the contest year. The entry should represent the station’s best work in news content, execution, and overall presentation)

g.  Sports News Coverage (Up to three distinct stories, or a series of up to three stories, that’s focused on sports-related news.) 


a. Spot/Breaking news (coverage of an unscheduled event broadcast within 24 hours; may be a single story or compilation of coverage on a single event)

b. Hard News report (best coverage of a news-related topic; may include in-depth, planned coverage of a single event, or enterprise reporting)

c. Feature (single story done for some other factor than timeliness–may include profile, human interest, or trend stories)

d. Special Project/In-Depth series (a single report or series of reports going in-depth on a particular subject, helping the viewer understand a situation beyond information in a typical news story)

e. Investigative (One or more stories containing information not readily available to the news media or public and obtained through reporter initiative)

f. Newscast (One regularly-scheduled newscast airing on any day in the contest year. The entry should represent the station’s best work in news content, execution, and overall presentation)

g. Sports News Coverage (Up to three distinct stories, or a series of up to three stories, that’s focused on sports-related news)


a. Best Website (Best use of a website for providing news to an online audience. Judges will look at areas such as ease of navigation, creative design concepts, good organization and degree to which online resources enhance reporting.)

b. Best single news story (Best online coverage of a single news story or event)

c. Best continuing coverage (Two or more online reports demonstrating ongoing coverage of a news event; including original or web-only content)

d. Best single feature story/package (Best online presentation of a single feature story, with emphasis on how online attributes enhance storytelling. Arts & Entertainment coverage is eligible) 

e. Best single sports story/package (Best online presentation of a single sports story, with emphasis on how online attributes enhance storytelling) 

f. Best use of multimedia (Demonstrates outstanding use of photos, galleries, video and/or audio to enhance original story)

g. Best social media account – Individual (For a social media account on any platform run by one journalist that best demonstrates an understanding of audience, an appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of the platform, while showing a commitment to innovation and an adherence to SPJ’s Code of Ethics)

h. Best social media account – Institutional (For a social media account run by multiple journalists that best demonstrates an understanding of audience, an appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of the platform, while showing a commitment to innovation and an adherence to SPJ’s Code of Ethics)

i. Best news video (Single video, or series of videos on the same subject, produced to appear online-only)

j. Best newsroom blog (submit URL for blog, judged on overall excellence in news coverage, affiliated with a newspaper, magazine, TV or radio station)

k. Best independent news blog (submit URL for blog, judged on overall excellence in news coverage, not affiliated with a newspaper, magazine, TV or radio station)

l. Best infographic/data visualization (Outstanding data presentation that showcases unique online capabilities) 


The collection of photos must come from the same photographer.

a. Best News Photography (Best use of photography in news stories. Submit a collection of up to three (3) news photos from the same photographer.)

b. Best Feature Photography (Best use of photography in feature stories. Submit a collection of up to three (3) feature photos from the same photographer.)

c. Best Portrait Photography (Best use of portrait photography. Submit a collection of up to three (3) portrait photos from the same photographer.)

d. Best Sports Photography (Best use of photography in sports stories. Submit a collection of up to three (3) sports photos from the same photographer.)


a. Young Journalist of the Year (Award given to outstanding journalist in any medium with less than 10 years experience; submit three examples of work and letter of nomination)

b. Journalist of the Year (Award given to outstanding journalist in any medium with 10 or more years of experience; submit three examples of work and letter of nomination)

c. Story of the Year (Award for general excellence in any medium, covering a single story or news event submit up to three examples of work and letter of nomination)

d. Best Use of Public Records (Award for excellence in any medium covering a story or news event where use of public records played a role in getting and telling the story; submit up three examples of work and a narrative letter explaining work and its use of public records)

e. Best Beat Reporting (Award recognizing an enterprising reporter in any medium who follows a single subject or topic throughout the year. Entries should include three examples of reporting and a narrative letter explaining any other relevant facts a judge may use to determine the state’s top beat reporter.)

f. Freedom of Information Award (This award recognizes efforts by news organizations to further the cause of First Amendment freedoms and freedom of information. Entries can includes news stories, columns, editorials and other public advocacy actions, including requests for advisory opinions and court cases. Each news organization may submit one entry that includes up to five examples that highlight the effort.)

Entry Tiers

  • Newspaper/News Writing [50,000+ circulation; stories only published online, such as in an online-only publication, are eligible to compete in this category]
  • Newspaper [LESS than 50,000 circulation]
  • Magazine
  • Television [50+ newsroom employees]
  • Television [Fewer than 50 newsroom employees]
  • For television and newspaper, contestants may enter tiers higher than their circulation/employee class, but not lower. If you enter a higher tier, you may not enter your own tier.
  • Radio
  • Online
  • Photography [All photo entries will be judged against each other regardless of publication size]

CLICK HERE to access the contest submission form