Meeting Minutes for Jan. 5, 2010

Society of Professional Journalists
Minnesota Pro Chapter
Chapter Meeting
Date: Jan. 5, 2010
Location: News Council Offices, Minneapolis
Board members present: Scott Theisen, president;  Sarah Bauer, president-elect; Amanda Theisen, treasurer; Jeff Achen, Sectretary; Alyssa Ford, Andy Tellijohn, Art Hughes, Jane Kirtley and Justin Piehowski, directors

Absent: Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, past-president; Karen Lundegaard, Sarah McKenzie directors.

I.    Treasurer’s Report (Amanda)
•Checking: $9,212.91
•Savings: $10,006.74
•CD: $10,117.96
•Total: $29,337.61

II.    FOI Update
•Sela v. Pulse amicus
-Discussion: Pulse made settlement offer.
-Court ought to waive fees for amicus brief.
-Jane K. moved to approve draft amicus brief and have John Borger             submit amicus brief on behalf of Minnesota Pro Chapter of SPJ.             Seconded by Andy T. Motion passed 7-0.

III.    Membership Update (Sarah B.)
•MN Pro membership currently at 135 members, (103 MN mbrs)
•National membership campaign (2010 in 2010)
•Recruitment video discussed. Jason DeRusha suggested as candidate         for starring in video to highlight benefits of SPJ membership. Jeff & Art to         work on video and contact Jason D.

IV.    Programs (Alyssa)
•Update on past programs
-Medical Examiner tour
-Holiday Party

•Upcoming events
-GLBT Diversity panel pushed to Feb.
-Regional- hoping to get Chris Hedges visit to coincide with             regional.

V.    Page One
•Updated on Wufoo account
•Discussed contest revisions as proposed by the Page One committee
•Set dates for call for entries and deadlines-Feb. 24th deadline
•Discuss ideas for location/date/speaker details for event

VI.    Other Business
•Next meeting: Feb. 18, 6:30 p.m. at The Saint Paul Foundation

The meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Achen, Secretary
Date: Jan. 20, 2010