Meeting Minutes for Feb. 18, 2010

Society of Professional Journalists
Minnesota Pro Chapter
Chapter Meeting
Date: Feb. 18, 2010
Location: The Saint Paul Foundation, St. Paul
Board members present: Sarah Bauer, president-elect; Amanda Theisen, treasurer; Jeff Achen, Sectretary;, Andy Tellijohn, Art Hughes, Sarah McKenzie, Joan Gilbertson and Justin Piehowski, directors.

Absent: Scott Theisen, president; Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, past-president; Karen Lundegaard, Jane Kirtley, Alyssa Ford, directors.

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Amanda Theisen)

Checking: $10,089.36

Savings: $10,008.01

CD: $10,129.91

Total: $30,227.28


$382.40 – Total collected from Page One Award entries (as of 2/18)

$464.00 – Dues payments from Nat’l SPJ (July 1 – Sept. 30)


$24.95 – Monthly Wufoo charge


-Through e-mail vote, we approved up to $600 to cover expenses related to the March speed freelance event.

-The U of M has asked for our help to cover Chris Hedges’ travel expenses for his appearance at the Midwest Journalism Conference April 16-17.  They are asking us to contribute between $400-$500.  They are guessing hotel will cost around $500 and flight $300.

  1. a. Motion: Amanda Theisen moved that SPJ pay half his travel expenses at a cost of up to $400. Joan Gilbertson seconded. Amanda Theisen tabled the motion.
  2. FOI Update (Jane)
    1. As an FOI update, the attorney for Pulse has advised that the Sela Roofing case has settled (at least in principle; no agreement has been signed yet as far as I know).  I do not know the terms or the role that our possible amicus participation may have played.  I’m trying to get more detail, but the Pulse attorney has not gotten back to me on that inquiry. As a result  of the settlement, Pulse will not be bringing a motion for summary judgment and it will not be necessary to serve or file the brief we prepared on the statute of limitations issue. (from John Borger)
    2. The only FOI thing I have to report — and I don’t think I reported this in January — is that on January 14, the general rules committee obtained a 90-day extension to submit its report on the cameras in the courtroom pilot project.  So, they have until April 15, 2010, but their legal counsel, Michael Johnson, says they don’t anticipate needing the entire 90 days. The faculty working group here at the U is still working on its part of the proposal.  I haven’t yet seen the latest version. (From Jane Kirtley)
  3. Membership Drive
    1. Membership drive: Sarah Bauer working to get National to provide support materials. Not really going anywhere yet.
    2. Letters to members who have lapsed.
    3. MN Pro promotional video
      1. i.     David Brauer, Dechesne Drew, Rick Kupchella?
      2. ii.     March 11, 2010 6 p.m.
  4. Programs (Alyssa/Amanda)
    1. Freelancer/Editor speed networking
    2. GLBT Diversity panel
      1. i.     Postponed from early Feb.
      2. ii.     Trying to find a venue
    3. Regional
      1. i.     Friday is freelance super session
      2. ii.     Future of News panel, social media
      3. iii.     Chris Hedges to speak
    4. Access Across America tour
      1. i.     Cullier put us on his list and will email soon with possible dates.
  5. Page One
    1. Update on number of entries, how things are going
      1. i.     Oprah? Ira Glass? Katie Couric? Jon Stewart? Colbert?
    2. Judging Detroit entries
  6. Business voted on online since last meeting
    1. a. Motion: Alyssa Ford moved and Jane Kirtley seconded to spend up to $600 on the “speed dating” networking/fundraising event. The motion passed with 11 votes for and 0 votes against.
  7. Other Business
    1. Sarah Bauer to go to Scripps Training
    2. Dana Benson to be teaching TV News at the University of Minnesota (Justin Piehowski)
    3. Changes on the Emmy Board, JJ Murray taking over (Justin Piehowski)
    4. Next meeting: March 31, 6:30 p.m. at KSTP

The meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Achen, Secretary
Date: Feb. 18, 2010