Meeting Minutes for May 18, 2010

Society of Professional Journalists
Minnesota Pro Chapter
Chapter Meeting
Date: May 18, 2010
Location: Internet Broadcasting, St. Paul
Board members present: Scott Theisen, president; Sarah Bauer, president-elect; Amanda Theisen, treasurer; Jeff Achen, Sectretary;, Andy Tellijohn, Art Hughes, Sarah McKenzie, and Justin Piehowski, directors.
Absent: Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, past-president; Joan Gilbertson, Karen Lundegaard, Jane Kirtley, Alyssa Ford, directors.

I. Treasurer’s Report (Amanda Theisen)

a. Checking: $19,034.98
b. Savings: $10,011.67
c. CD: $10,164.69
Total: $39,211.34
Motion: Art Hughes moved to reimburse Amanda Theisen and Jeff Achen for expenses incurred for Access Across American and the promotional video respectively. Motion was seconded by Sarah Bauer. The motion passed 8 to 0.
Motion: Jeff Achen moved to approve Page One awards and printing expenses up to $1,250. The motion was seconded by Andy Tellijohn. The motion passed 8 to 0.

II. Page One
a. Sarah Bauer provided update on banquet preparations on May 20, 2010. All going well.
b. The UpTake planning on livestreaming, Jeff Achen planning to video for MN SPJ.
c. David Simon expenses paid for. ($725.60) Arrangements made to pick him and his son up at airport.
d. Silent auction all set.

III. Elections
a. Election committee named.
b. Discussed election timeline, ballot, open seats and possible candidates.

IV. Business voted on online since last meeting
a. Motion: Joan Gilbertson moved to approve $225 to make a payment on Town and Country for the May 21st Page One Banquet. Sarah Bauer seconded. The motion passed 11-0.
b. Motion: Scott Theisen moved to pay $100 to cover the two $50 registration fees for the two scholarship winners and two emcees (2 x $40) to attend the banquet. Amanda Theisen seconded. The motion to pay for scholarship winner and emcee banquet expenses passed 11-0.
c. Motion: Jane Kirtley moved to nominate Randy Furst as the 2010 Popovich winner. Art Hughes seconded the motion. The motion passed 11-0.

V. Other Business
a. Sarah McKenzie brought up the possibility of grants for small organizations to pay interns. How much could we afford? Amanda said we could tap into money in CD. Justin asked if MNA would like to partner with us on this. Art suggested we come up with criteria, such as smaller size news orgs, etc. Amanda suggesting start advertising in fall. Decide who would get the grant in February.
Discussion tabled.
b. Next meeting set for June 28, 6 p.m. location TBD. (This is an annual Meeting and election count.)
c. Motion: Art Hughes moved to adjourn, Andy Tellijohn seconded. 8 to 0, meeting adjourned.

The meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Achen, Secretary
Date: May 18, 2010