Chris Snowbeck

Chris Snowbeck

Journalism in MN: The Inside Scoop

How do journalists come up with stories?  What are the ethical norms that journalists follow?  What makes journalism different from propaganda, opinion and advertising — and what can readers and viewers do when they believe journalism has veered toward one…

2020 Page One Awards — Now Accepting Entries!

The Minnesota Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) recognizes the best in Minnesota journalism each year with its annual Page One Awards. Contest entries can be submitted between now and Friday, Feb. 7. Finalists will be notified…

2020 Page One Awards Contest Categories

1. NEWSPAPER/NEWS WRITING a. Breaking News Coverage (Up to three stories showing excellence in coverage of a single news event that’s breaking/was not expected. Examples include but aren’t limited to crime stories, public safety emergencies, deaths/resignations involving prominent news figures and sudden…

2020 Page One Awards Contest Guidelines

GENERAL GUIDELINES The fee is $22 per entry. Entries must be submitted no later than midnight, Monday, Feb. 10, 2020. All work published or broadcast during the 2019 calendar year is eligible. Journalists (including freelancers and contract employees) working for all…