

January 9, 2001 Meeting Minutes

Members Present Judy Borger, president; Kathleen Hansen, secretary; Duchesne Drew, president-elect; Gary Hill, past president; Dave Aeikens, Doug Glass, Jane Kirtley, Jeff Kummer, Rick Kupchella, Caroline Lowe, board members. Thanks to the Star Tribune for hosting the meeting. Letter to…

March 2000 Region 6 Report

REGIONAL CONFERENCE A MONTH AWAY Our regional conference is looking great. We have 64 speakers and panelists spread out over two days – April 14 and 15. The St. Paul Pioneer Press Mark of Excellence Awards Luncheon and Star Tribune…

February 2000 Region 6 Report

REGIONAL The Regional conference is taking shape. We have a full slate of panels and speakers April 14-15 at the Sheraton Minneapolis Metrodome. The conference is called “Journalism Festival 2000,” and we are jointly hosting it with the National Press…