Tune into Page One Awards tonight!

Virtual Page One Awards — Tonight! Please join us tonight, Tuesday, June 9, at 7 p.m. when the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists recognizes finalists at the first-ever online presentation of the Page One Awards. The host for this year’s event is Tane Danger, co-founder of the The Theater of Public Policy. This year’s keynote speaker is Samara Freemark, co-creator and senior producer…

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MNSPJ reminds general public and reporters of their right to document public events

Recently, a Star Tribune reporter received death threats after tweeting photos — while on the job — of the protests that arose in the wake of George Floyd’s death. This reporter’s personal phone number and home address were posted online, presenting a serious threat to his safety and that of his family. Another photographer was cornered while covering protests and…

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MNSPJ denounces police treatment of journalists

In the last week, journalists  have been arrested  while doing their jobs. They have been  held at gunpoint,  shot with rubber bullets and  blinded by tear gas. Over and over again, they have identified themselves as journalists and been ignored,  told that it doesn’t matter,  or worse. The board of the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists condemns in the strongest possible…

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MNSPJ Seeks Candidates for Board of Directors

MNSPJ is seeking candidates for the 2020-21 board year. Join us! Up for election are four board seats. Also up for election are the executive board positions: president-elect (the elected officer will serve as president 2021-2022), board secretary and treasurer. Executive board seats are one-year terms.  The chapter is led by a diverse, volunteer board of media professionals, past and present, who are…

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Final Contest Deadline Moved Back to Monday, Feb. 10

The Minnesota Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) is providing one more deadline extension for the annual Page One Awards.  We will now accept entries through midnight on Monday, Feb. 10. The price of a contest entry is $22. Journalists working for all print, broadcast and online news outlets in Minnesota (or news outlets in neighboring states that…

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Page One Contest Deadline Extended Until Feb. 7

The Minnesota Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) is extending the deadline for the annual Page One Awards.  We will now accept entries through Friday, Feb. 7. The price of a contest entry is $22. Journalists working for all print, broadcast and online news outlets in Minnesota (or news outlets in neighboring states that cover Minnesota) are eligible…

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