MNSPJ opposes Hennepin County court’s severe restrictions on Noor shooting trial coverage

March, 29, 2019 The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists vehemently opposes the severe restrictions to media and public access imposed by Hennepin County District Court Judge Kathryn L. Quaintance in the trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Mohamed Noor, who has been charged with murder. While Judge Quaintance has the authority to manage the courtroom, the actions in this case…

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MNSPJ calls for elected officials to remove social media blocks on public, journalists

The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists calls on elected officials who block the public and journalists from their social media accounts to immediately cease and desist this affront to the public’s right to know. Minneapolis City Council Member Alondra Cano has blocked access to her Twitter account to journalists who have reported critically on her public record. MNSPJ calls on…

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Submit Applications for MNSPJ Journalism Scholarship!

Attention college journalists: The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) is now accepting applications for its 2019 student scholarship. This year, MNSPJ will award one $2,500 scholarship to a student pursuing a career in broadcast, print, online or visual journalism. A second winner will receive $1,000. Applicants must either be enrolled in a post-secondary institution in Minnesota or have graduated…

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Final Deadline Today — Page One Award Entries Due Feb. 18

Today is the day!  It’s the last chance to enter MNSPJ’s Page One Awards to celebrate great journalism from 2018. The price of a contest entry is holding steady this year at $22. Journalists working for all print, broadcast and online news outlets in Minnesota (or news outlets in neighboring states that cover Minnesota) are eligible to enter. All work published or…

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Contest Deadline Extended! Page One Award Entries Due Feb. 15

The Minnesota Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) is extending the deadline for the annual Page One Awards. Contest entries can be submitted between now and Friday, Feb. 15. The price of a contest entry is holding steady this year at $22. Journalists working for all print, broadcast and online news outlets in Minnesota (or news outlets in neighboring…

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Apply Now for MNSPJ Journalism Scholarships

Attention college journalists: The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) is now accepting applications for its 2019 student scholarship. This year, MNSPJ will award one $2,500 scholarship to a student pursuing a career in broadcast, print, online or visual journalism. A second winner will receive $1,000. Applicants must either be enrolled in a post-secondary institution in Minnesota or have graduated…

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