GENERAL GUIDELINES The fee is $22 per entry. Entries must be submitted no later than Friday, February 23, 2018. All work published or broadcast during the 2017 calendar year is eligible. Journalists (including freelancers and contract employees) working for all print, broadcast and online news outlets in Minnesota (or news outlets in neighboring states that cover Minnesota) are eligible to…



1. NEWSPAPER a. Spot News (One or more stories covering a single spot news event) b. Meeting/Planned news event (One or more stories covering a single news event that was known in advance.) c. Feature (A single feature story) d. Enterprise/In-Depth (A single story) (One story that reflects a reporter’s ingenuity, use of sources or special research that help the reader understand a situation beyond information provided…


Where Race and Sports Intersect: What is the media’s role?

Race and sports have long crossed paths — from Muhammad Ali being stripped of the heavyweight boxing title after taking a stand against the Vietnam War to players’ “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” protests following the death of Michael Brown. Today, numerous athletes have protested by kneeling during the national anthem, attracting support and opposition from all corners of America. As…

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A conversation about uncovering sexual harassment: Dec. 7

Join MNSPJ and two of Minnesota’s top reporters for a conversation about sexual harassment in the headlines. MinnPost legislative reporter Briana Bierschbach broke the story about allegations against Minnesota state Sen. Dan Schoen, prompting a flood of coverage about similar claims — and the inconsistent handling of them — at the Capitol. She teams up with Jana Shortal, co-anchor of…

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Video: Intern Night helps students succeed

This year’s MNSPJ Intern Night panel took place Oct. 19 at WCCO Television studios in Minneapolis. Many thanks to our excellent panelists and more than 50 student attendees! More than one attendee from previous years came back to say the connections they had made at Intern Night led to employment. Check out this minute-long video that features one of those sharp young minds:

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Join us for annual “Off The Record” Holiday Party

Are you ready to party? Join MNSPJ, AAJA, and TCBJ for the annual “Off The Record” Holiday Party! Enjoy free food, a holiday-themed photo booth and your fellow journos. We will also be collecting donated new toys for the TCBJ Toy Drive, which benefits kids at Phyllis Wheatley Community Center. Swing by the Pizza Luce event room at 119th N. 4th Street in downtown Minneapolis between…

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Tell Us Your Story: Nicole Garrison

By Nicole Garrison I still have the sheet of paper Dave Orrick and I used to keep track of the web of companies and people involved in the Ramsey Town Center scandal. We called it “the map.” With each phone call we made on the story, a new player or tidbit of information would surface and we’d add it to…

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How to cover protests: Panel offers tips, lessons for packed classroom

Students and professional journalists packed a classroom at the University of Minnesota recently to hear tips and lessons about covering protests. The Sept. 27 panel, presented by MNSPJ and other organizations, offered stories and advice for preparing for and reporting on these key news events. “You don’t know if you’re going to be there for 30 minutes or three weeks,” Doualy Xaykaothao,…

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