Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The Minnesota professional chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 23, at 6 p.m. at Dual Citizen Brewing Company in St. Paul. The meeting is open to all members and is mainly focused on counting ballots for board of director and officer positions. Members received ballots via email on July 11…
Members of the Minnesota chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists can vote between now and 6 p.m. on Aug. 12 to elect board leadership for 2022-23. Electronic ballots were distributed via e-mail. If you didn’t receive a ballot and are eligible to vote, please contact us at Results will be announced at the chapter’s annual meeting, which will…
From breaking news coverage of Derek Chauvin’s conviction for murdering George Floyd to comprehensive investigations into police misconduct to in-depth reporting on COVID-19, the 2022 Page One Awards from the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) highlighted the best of journalism during a challenging year. Our Peter S. Popovich Award, given annually to the person or organization that best exemplifies…
Please join us the evening of Thursday, June 23, to celebrate winners of our annual Page One Awards contest. We have not come together like this since June 2019! This will be a more informal ceremony than past gatherings — we’ll offer drinks and substantial appetizers rather than our usual sit-down meal with a keynote speaker. Winners will pick up…
The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists is seeking candidates to serve on the board of directors for the 2022-23 year. We will elect this summer four directors as well as a president-elect, treasurer and secretary. Current president-elect Brian Arola will serve as president next year Candidate statements should be submitted by Thursday, June 9. Ballots will be distributed by Tuesday,…
A settlement agreement to prevent law enforcement from harming journalists doing their job also creates a process to review complaints alleging mistreatment by the State Patrol during the George Floyd and Daunte Wright protests. Complaints from journalists describing what happened must be submitted by October 19, 2022. Learn more about the process by going to this link for information from…
MNSPJ is partnering with the Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and Law at the University of Minnesota to present on Monday, April 4, a virtual panel discussion about the ethics of covering people with disabilities. The CDC reports that 26% of U.S. adults have some form of disability. How should journalists and communications professionals depict them and…
Thanks to everyone for all the entries thus far to the annual MNSPJ Page One Awards. We’re extending the deadline one more time, so you still have a chance to enter! The entry form will stay live all day Wednesday until midnight. Thanks for your support of MNSPJ!
Due to a technical challenge in closing the entry form promptly at 6 p.m. this evening, MNSPJ will accept Page One Award entries through 9 p.m. — three hours later than previously announced.
Attention college journalists: The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) is now accepting applications for its 2022 student scholarship. This year, MNSPJ will award one $2,500 scholarship to a student pursuing a career in broadcast, print, online or visual journalism. A second winner will receive $1,000. Last July, a five-judge panel chose to award the top scholarship in our 2021…