Annual Meeting Re-Scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 17

The Minnesota professional chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at Dual Citizen Brewing Company in St. Paul. Any member can attend, but please send us a note in advance so we’re sure to have room. Direct any RSVPs/questions to Scholarship Popovich General Awards Special Awards

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Meet the Candidates for the MNSPJ Board of Directors

Members of the Minnesota professional chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists can vote between now and 12 noon on Aug. 3 to elect board leadership for 2021-22. Electronic ballots are being distributed via e-mail. If you don’t receive a ballot, please contact us at Results will be announced at the chapter’s annual meeting, which will be announced soon…

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2021 Page One Awards Highlight Journalism During Exceptional Year

Coverage of the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the statewide impact of COVID-19 dominated the list of prize-winning entries in the 2021 Page One Awards from the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ). Libor Jany of the Star Tribune was named Journalist of the Year for his coverage of the Floyd killing, which judges lauded for showcasing…

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MNSPJ Seeking Board Candidates

The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists is seeking candidates to serve on the board of directors for the 2021-22 year. We will be looking to elect four board members as well as a president-elect, treasurer and secretary. Candidate statements should be submitted by Wednesday, July 7, at which points ballots will be distributed to members. Votes will be tallied at…

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Student Journalism Scholarship Deadline Extended to April 26

Attention college journalists: The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) is now accepting applications for its 2021 student scholarship. This year, MNSPJ will award one $2,500 scholarship to a student pursuing a career in broadcast, print, online or visual journalism. A second winner will receive $1,000. Applicants must either be enrolled in a post-secondary institution in Minnesota or have graduated…

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MNSPJ and AAJA decry treatment of journalists at Brooklyn Center protests

The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists (MNSPJ) and the Minnesota chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) decry in the strongest possible terms the violent targeting and detention of journalists by law enforcement authorities during ongoing protests in Brooklyn Center. On behalf of news organizations, attorney Leita Walker submitted a letter this evening to Gov. Tim Walz and public…

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page one award deadline extended to friday, feb. 19

MNSPJ is making one more extension to the deadline for submissions to the annual Page One Awards, with submissions now due by Friday, Feb. 19. The price of a contest entry is $22. Journalists working for all print, broadcast and online news outlets in Minnesota (or news outlets in neighboring states that cover Minnesota) are eligible to enter. All work published or broadcast during…

Read Morepage one award deadline extended to friday, feb. 19